Mihai Rotaru, patronul celor de la Universitatea Craiova, a anunțat recent opt acționari noi la clubul pe care îl patronează încă din anul 2013. Omul de afaceri a recunoscut că a existat și varianta insolvenței […] The post Mihai Rotaru a anunțat 8 acționari noi la Universitatea Craiova! A recunoscut că a existat varianta insolvenței: „Am pierdut 20.000.000 de euro” appeared first on Prosport.
Mihai Rotaru, owner of Universitatea Craiova football club, announced the acquisition of 8 new shareholders. He also admitted that the club faced a serious financial crisis and was at risk of insolvency, revealing a personal loss of €20,000,000.
Essentially, the news highlights Rotaru's efforts to stabilize the club's finances by bringing in new investors to avoid bankruptcy.
Mihai Rotaru, owner of Universitatea Craiova football club, announced the acquisition of 8 new shareholders. He also admitted that the club faced a serious financial crisis and was at risk of insolvency, revealing a personal loss of €20,000,000. Essentially, the news highlights Rotaru's efforts to stabilize the club's finances by bringing in new investors to avoid bankruptcy.